Livelli di delega nel team coast

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(...) il trasferimento da un organo superiore ad altro organo subordinato di determinate funzioni.

da enciclopedia Treccani


7 Livelli di delega

  1. Tell
  2. Sell
  3. Consult
  4. Agree
  5. Advise
  6. Inquire
  7. Delegate

1 Tell

The managers make the decision and tell to the team.

2 Sell

The managers make the decision but try to persuade others to buy into it.

3 Consult

The managers get the input from the team before still making the decision.

4 Agree

The managers make the decision toghether as the team.

5 Advise

The team make the decision and the managers try to influence it.

6 Inquire

The team make the decision and then tell it to the managers

7 Delegate

The team make the decision and the managers let it work it out.


  • Level 1-3: decision making with the managers
  • Level 5-7: decision making is with the team
  • Level 4: team and managers decide toghether


Esempio - Team core

Luglio 2019

(2) Sell / (3) Consul

Novembre 2019

(6) Inquire / (7) Delegate

(...) il trasferimento da un organo superiore ad altro organo subordinato di determinate funzioni.

Delegation poker - Before starting

Make a list of pre-defined cases or situations in which you want to create a delegation policy

Delegation poker - Steps

  1. One person picks out a situation to read aloud OR he tells a story from personal experience.
  2. Each player chooses one of the seven delegation cards privately, reflecting on how she would delegate the decision in that particular situation.
  3. Once all players have decided, they can then reveal their selected cards.

Delegation poker - Steps

  1. Everyone earns points according to the value of thei card, except the players that are the "highest minority".
  2. Let the people with the highest and the lowest cards explain the reasoning behind their choices.
  3. You can then create a Delegation Board to show the results of your consensus.
